View Profile Gr8PacMan

Gr8PacMan's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 4 (From 2 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 30 Points

Loot Loot Goblin

Medals Earned: 3/9 (25/210 points)

Enter The Goblin Mode 5 Points

Start the game

Saved by the belt 10 Points

Finish a run

Try to dodge this 10 Points

enter the "arrow" portal

Gobins are curious by nature 5 Points

Go through the tutorial

What if the loot fought back? 10 Points

enter the "coin" portal

Hands! 10 Points

enter the "hand" portal

Sleep is for billionaires. Hustle is for future billionaires. 10 Points

gain over 5000 coins

Money never sleeps, and neither do I. 50 Points

gain over 10000 coins

My only competition is who I was five minutes ago. 100 Points

gain over 15000 coins

Pico's Boss Run!

Medals Earned: 1/7 (5/265 points)

Fuq. 5 Points

Die for the first time!

Fuck This Game. 10 Points

Rage Quit.

Overkill! 25 Points

Defeat Alucard!

Silent... but Dead. 25 Points

Defeat Hanzo!

Love Conquers All! 50 Points

Defeat Cassandra!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Untouchable. 100 Points

S Rank a Boss!